воскресенье, 23 апреля 2023 г.

Кто победил в Испании? (материалы для размышления) - 2


Кто победил в Испании?

(материалы для размышления)


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     Кстати, в первой части значительно расширил список войск выведенных из Испании в 1813 и 1814 гг.

    Многие полки к 1813 году имели разную дислокацию. Например, 1-2 батальоны в Испании, а 3-4 во Франции. Или, в Испании  основной состав полка, а во Франции запасной батальон. Так или иначе, но полки в Испании были или выведены на «Север», или были ослаблены, т.к., они не пополнялись резервными и запасными батальонами. Были и так, весь полк уходил против русских и их союзников, а в Испании оставались депо и резервные батальоны, в расписках встречаются 6-е и 7-е батальоны, а это «больные, хромые, новобранцы».

    По кавалерии всё тяжелее для французов. Ушли все драгунские полки, последние, 16-й и 26-й, ушли в 1814 г. Подавляющая часть конно-егерских полков ушли, но часть, и это интересно, к весне 1814 г. вернулись на «Юг», т.к., у французов против Велика, практически, не осталось кавалерии. Гусары все свалили, последним ушёл 2-й гусарский полк. Для «Великой посредственности» полное раздолье для победы.

    Были ещё части Рейнской конфедерации (немцы), итальянцы, неаполитанцы, но к концу 1813 г. Все они или были выведены, или разоружены, или «исчезли»,   а части Нассау даже сами перешли к англичанам.

     Здесь я даю состав французских войск на конец 1813 – начало 1814 гг. Основные соединения Узурпатора в Испании: армии Арагона и Каталонии, Испании и Пиренеев. В расписке для наглядности выделил цветным судьбу частей.

  В конце состав французской армии под Тулузой, 10.04.1814 г. – последнем сражении кампании «На Полуострове», так сказать, последнее, что осталось.

   По артиллерии и инженерам материалов не даю.


French Army of Spain

16 January 1814


* 1/6th Légère Regiment (19/569) – полк сражался под Тулузой 10.04.1814, и до конца в «Испании».

** 1/65th Line Regiment (22/487) (сражался под Лейпцигом) – часть полка под Тулузой, часть в Центральной Европе.

*** 1/26th Line Regiment (20/597) (ушёл в Европу/Париж) – весь полк ушёл в «Европу», в Испании только или один батальон, или отдельные отряды полка.

**** 24th Line Regiment – полк в Испании до конца войны (апрель 1814 г.).


 Commanding Officer: Maréchal Soult, Duc de Dalmatie

Chief of Staff: Général de division Gazan

Artillery Commander: Général de division Tirlet

Engineering Commander: Général de brigade Garbé

Right Wing: Lieutenant Général Reillée

1st Division: Général de division Foy

Brigade: Général de brigade Friron

·        1/6th Légère Regiment (19/569)

·        1/69th Line Regiment (22/550)

·        2/69th Line Regiment (11/510)

·        1/76th Line Regiment (17/534)

Brigade: Général de brigade Berlier

·        1/36th Line Regiment (20/477)

·        2/36th Line Regiment (13/420)

·        1/39th Line Regiment (20/582)

·        1/65th Line Regiment (22/487) (часть полка под Лейпцигом)

·        2/65th Line Regiment (13/481) (часть полка под Лейпцигом)

Brigade: Général de brigade Delosme

·        1/1st Line Regiment (18/583) (ушёл в Европу)

·        1/26th Line Regiment (20/597) (ушёл в Европу)

·        1/66th Line Regiment (25/751) (ушёл в Европу)

·        1/70th Line Regiment (20/654) (ушёл в Европу)

·        1/82nd Line Regiment (20/580)


·        19/1st Foot Artillery Regiment (3/123)

·        1/2nd (bis) Train Battalion (1/104)

7th Division: Général de division Leval

Brigade: Général de brigade Pinoteau

·        l0th Légère Regiment (часть полка под Лейпцигом)

·        3rd Line Regiment (ушёл в Европу)

·        15th Line Regiment (ушёл в Европу)

Brigade: Général de brigade Montfort

·        17th Légère Regiment (ушёл в Центральную Европу)

·        101st Line Regiment (ушёл в Центральную Европу)

·        105th Line Regiment (ушёл в Европу)

9th Division: Général de division Boyer

Brigade: Général de brigade Menne

·        2nd Légère Regiment (ушёл в Центральную Европу)

·        24th Line Regiment

·        118th Line Regiment 

Brigade: Général de brigade Gauthier

·        120th Line Regiment

·        122nd Line Regiment (ушёл в Центральную Европу)

Center: Lieutenant Général Clausel

4th Division: Général de division Taupin

Brigade: Général de brigade Rey

·        1/12th Légère Regiment (14/467)

·        2/12th Légère Regiment (9/391)

·        1/32nd Line Regiment (14/545)

·        2/32nd Line Regiment (12/536)

·        1/43rd Line Regiment (12/469)

·        2/43rd Line Regiment (8/450)

Brigade: Général de brigade Béchaud

·        1/45th Line Regiment (19/748)

·        1/47th Line Regiment (18/454)

·        2/47th Line Regiment (22/407)

·        1/55th Line Regiment (17/555)

·        1/58th Line Regiment (17/654)


·        13/6th Foot Artillery Regiment (2/109)

·        1/2nd Prinicpal Train Battalion (1/119)

5th Division: Général de division Maransin

Brigade: Général de brigade Barbot

·        1/4th Légère Regiment (15/518)

·        1/34th Line Regiment (14/586)

·        1/40th Line Regiment (71/463) (часть полка под Лейпцигом)

·        2/40th Line Regiment (10/465) (часть полка под Лейпцигом)

·        1/50th Line Regiment (18/646) (часть полка под Лейпцигом)

Brigade: Général de brigade Rouget

·        1/27th Line Regiment (21/660)

·        1/59th Line Regiment (19/684) (часть полка под Лейпцигом)


·        19/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (2/132)

·        5/2nd (bis) Train Battalion (1/114)

8th Division: Général de division Harispe

Brigade: Général de brigade Dauture

·        1/9th Légère Regiment (13/415)

·        2/9th Légère Regiment (12/416)

·        1/34th Line Regiment (20/390)

·        2/34th Line Regiment (20/34)

Brigade: Général de brigade Paris

·        1/10th Line Regiment (18/345)

·        2/10th Line Regiment (11/382) (часть полка под Лейпцигом)

·        1/81st Line Regiment (19/386)

·        2/81st Line Regiment (12/341)

·        3rd & 4th Cos, 5/114th Line Regiment (4/301)

·        1/8th Neapolitan Regiment (18/322)

Brigade: Général de brigade Baurot

·        2/25th Légère Regiment (21/790)

·        7/25th Légère Regiment (13/775)

·        3/115th Line Regiment (20/621)

·        4/115th Line Regiment (9/315)

·        5/117th Line Regiment (9/494)

Left Wing: Lieutenant Général d'Elron

2nd Division: Général de division D'Armagnac 

Brigade: Général de brigade Chassé

·        1/118th Line Regiment (17/467)

·        2/118th Line Regiment (12/444)

·        3/118th Line Regiment (14/447)

·        1/120th Line Regiment (22/509)

·        2/120th Line Regiment (12/444)

·        4/120th Line Regiment (16/482)

Brigade: Général de brigade Gruardet

·        1/31st Légère Regiment (21/537)

·        2/31st Légère Regiment (13/559)

·        1/51st Line Regiment (16/636)

·        1/75th Line Regiment (19/429)

·        4/75th Line Regiment (9/47)


·        5/12th (bis) Train Battalion (1/109)

3rd Division: Général de division Abbé

Brigade: Général de brigade Beuret

·        1/27th Légère Regiment (18/667) (ушёл на Север)

·        1/63rd Line Regiment (19/707) (ушёл в Центральную Европу)

·        1/64th Line Regiment (16/551)

·        2/64th Line Regiment (10/537)

Brigade: Général de brigade Maucomble

·        /5th Légère Regiment (17/646) (ушёл в Центральную Европу)

·        1/94th Line Regiment (18/570)

·        2/94th Line Regiment (12/556)

·        1/95th Line Regiment (20/857) (1-я часть полка в Испании, другая в Данциге)


·        9/1st Foot Artillery Regiment (3/107)

·        3rd 4/4th (bis) Train Battalion (1/116)

·        3rd 5/4th (bis) Train Battalion (1/95)

6th Division: Général de division Darricau

Brigade: Général de brigade St. Pol

·        1/21st Légère Regiment (21/832)

·        1/86th Line Regiment (16/553)

·        1/96th Line Regiment (16/704)

·        1/100th Line Regiment (17/955)

Brigade: Général de brigade Lamorandière

·        2/28th Légère Regiment (elite cos)(15/538)

·        1/103rd Line Regiment (20/802)

·        1/119th Line Regiment (20/432)

·        4/119th Line Regiment (15/432)


·        13/7th Foot Artillery Regiment (2/115)

·        2/6th (bis) Train Battalion (1/126)

·        Det. 5/4th (bis) Train Battalion


lst Division: Général de division P. Soult

Brigade Général de brigade Berton

1/2nd Hussar Regiment (15/221/265)

2/2nd Hussar Regiment (9/322/348)

1/13th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (13/217/258)

2/13th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (7/182/207)

3/13th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (5/196/210)

1/21st Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (15/218/264)

2/21st Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (10/197/229)

Brigade Général de brigade Vial

·        1/5th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (11/187/222)

·        2/5th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (5/176/214)

·        1/10th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (10/219/255)

·        2/10th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (7/201/214)

·        9th Co., 10th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (9/150/167)

·        1/15th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (15/178/214)

·        2/15th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (9/157/156)

·        3/15th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (6/148/160)

·        1/22nd Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (8/92/120)

·        2/22nd Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (5/87/91)

·        3/22nd Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3/90/97)

Reserve Artillery

·        3/3rd Horse Artillery Regiment (3/90)

·        5/6th (bis) Train Battalion (1/130)


·        15/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (3/128)

·        2/8th Foot Artillery Regiment (3/96)

·        11/6th Foot Artillery Regiment (2/114)

·        Staff/2nd Prinicpal Train Battalion (2/6) park

·        5/2nd Prinicpal Train Battalion (1/126) park

·        Staff/(bis) Train Battalion (3/9) park

·        2/2nd (bis) Train Battalion (1/121) park

·        3/2nd (bis) Train Battalion (1/116) park

·        4/5th Prinicpal Train Battalion (1/117) park

·        5/5th Prinicpal Train Battalion (1/114) park

·        6/5th Prinicpal Train Battalion (1/139) park

·        Staff/10th (bis) Train Battalion (3/5) park

Mountain Train:

·        3/5th Prinicpal Train Battalion (1/89)

·        3/2nd Prinicpal Train Battalion (1/83)

Artisans and Engineers

·        1st Artillery Artisan Company (1/67)

·        4/1st Pontooneer Battalion (2/67)

·        3/4th Sapper Battalion (2/140)

·        Det/3rd Engineering Train Company (1/39)

·        Det/3rd Engineering Train Company (2/114)(in Hamou)

Military Equipage

·        1st Military Equipage Battalion (11/595)

·        3rd Military Equipage Battalion (9/628)

·        1st Military Equipage Artisan Company (1/36)

Bayonne Garrison: Général de division Thouvenot

·        4/31st Légère Regiment (16/503)

·        3/34th Line Regiment (19/368)

·        4/34th Line Regiment (18/397)

·        4/118th Line Regiment (18/492)

·        2/119th Line Regiment (17/617)

·        3/119th Line Regiment (18/543)

·        3/120th Line Regiment (17/736) 

·        1st Cohort, Gardes nationales des Landes (14/281)

·        10/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (3/117)

·        16/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (3/114)

·        24/5th Foot Artillery Regiment (2/138)

·        25/5th Foot Artillery Regiment (3/135)

·        20/6th Foot Artillery Regiment (3/122)

·        4/2nd (bis) Train Battalion (1/120)

·        6/4th (bis) Train Battalion (1/82)

·        1/4th (bis) Train Battalion (1/92)

·        5/12th (bis) Train Battalion (1/127)

·        1st Artillery Artisan Company (2/60)

·        4th Artillery Artisan Company (4/71)

·        8th Artillery Artisan Company (2/98)

·        9th Artillery Artisan Company (2/62)

·        12th Artillery Artisan Company (3/80)

·        2nd Armorer Company (1/57)

·        4th Armorer Company (1/79)

·        10/1st Pontooneer Battalion(3/52)

·        3/2nd Miner Battalion (2/126)

·        3/2nd Sapper Battalion (3/161)

·        5/2nd Sapper Battalion (2/156)

·        /92nd Sapper Battalion (2/150)

·        1st Pioneer Company (4/130)

Garrison of St. jean Pie de Port: Général de brigade Blondeau

·        3/31st Légère Regiment (15/533)

·        1/,2/Gardes Nationales de'elite des Basses Pyrénées (22/699)

·        1/2/Legion des Gardes Nationales des Basses Pyrénées (32/1,053)

·        9/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (2/106)

·        12/6th Foot Artillery Regiment (1/48)

·        Det/12th Artillery Artisan Company (0/4)

·        Det. 9/2nd Sapper Battalion (0/20)

·        Det. 3/4th Sapper Battalion (1/25)

Garrison of Navarrien: Adjudant Commandant Gouget

·        Chasseurs of 2nd Bn & 6/28th Légère Regiment (18/866)

·        Depot/86th Line Regiment (3/233)

·        12/6th Foot Artillery Regimetn (2/50)

·        Det/12th Artillery Artisan Company (0/4)

·        Det/National Guard Artillery (3/73)

·        Det. 3/2nd Sapper Battalion (0/9)

·        Imperial Gendarmes (0/4)

Garrison of the Lourdes Castle: Coloneo Autesserre

·        Det/116th Line Regiment (2/79)

·        Det/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (0/13)

·        3rd Co., 1st Cohort National Guard (0/18)

Garrison of Santona: Général de brigade Lameth

·        2/,3/130th Line Regiment (36/1,259) (ушёл под Париж)

·        1/6th Légère Regiment (9/282)

·        17/6th Foot Artillery Regiment (1/82)

·        1st Naval Artillery Regiment (3/36)

·        Apprentice Naval Gunners (1/0)

·        1st Italian Foot Artillery Company (1/0)

·        12th Artillery Artisan Company (1/2)

·        2nd Pioneer Company (3/192)

·        Imperial Gendarmes (0/9) 

2nd Division, Reserve Army of the Pyrenees: Général de division Travot

·        6/9th Légère Regiment (12/738)

·        6/12th Légère Regiment (14/736)

·        6/32nd Line Regiment (11/739)

·        6/47th Line Regiment (18/732)

·        6/64th Line Regiment (14/736) 

French Armies of Aragon and Catalonia

15 January 1814


* 1/116th Line Regiment (19/565) – полк сражался под Тулузой 10.04.1814 г. и до конца войны в «Испании».

**2/3rd Légère Regiment (23/669) (ушёл в Европу/Париж) – весь полк ушёл в «Европу», в Испании только или один батальон, или отдельные отряды полка

*** Spanish Gendarmes (3/77) – не французские части.

**** 1/44th Line Regiment (14/468) полк в Испании до конца войны (апрель 1814 г.).



Commanding Officer: Maréchal Suchet, Duc d'Albuera

Chief of Staff: Général de brigade St. Cyr Nuguès

Artillery Commander: Général de division Valée

1st Division: Général de division Lamarque

1st Brigade: Général de brigade Millet

·        2/3rd Légère Regiment (23/669) (ушёл в Европу)

·        1/5th Line Regiment (29/807) (ушёл в Европу)

·        2/5th Line Regiment (18/833) (ушёл в Европу)

·        1/14th Line Regiment (25/578) (3-й, 4-й батальоны в Европе)

·        2/14th Line Regiment (15/547) (3-й, 4-й батальоны в Европе)

2nd Brigade: Général de brigade Nogués

·        1/60th Line Regiment (21/530)

·        2/60th Line Regiment (16/5370

·        1/116th Line Regiment (19/565)

·        2/116th Line Regiment (21/556)

·        3/116th Line Regiment (19/491)

2nd Division: Général de division Habert

Brigade: Général de brigade Baron Lefebvre

·        3/18th Légère Regiment (19/535) (ушёл в Европу)

·        4/18th Légère Regiment (15/574) (ушёл в Европу)

·        1/117th Line Regiment (30/566)

·        2/117th Line Regiment (17/552)

·        3/117th Line Regiment (12/562)

Brigade: Général de brigade Meunier St.Clair

Det/42nd Line Regiment (16/467)

·        1/44th Line Regiment (14/468)

·        2/44th Line Regiment (25/475)

·        1/143rd Line Regiment (21/673)

·        2/143rd Line Regiment (19/648)


·        Det/79th Line Regiment (3/121)

·        Artillery Co., 3rd Légère Regiment (2/44)

·        Barcelona Chasseurs (3/69)

·        Barcelona Municipal Company (4/122)

3rd Division:

1st Brigade: Général de brigade Meselop

·        2/11th Line Regiment (26/946) (ушёл в Европу)

·        1/79th Line Regiment (25/555)

·        2/79th Line Regiment (14/535)

·        1/114th Line Regiment (21/575)

·        2/114th Line Regiment (16/540)

2nd Brigade: Général de brigade Grange

·        1/115th Line Regiment (17/570)

·        2/115th Line Regiment (14/654)

·        1/121st Line Regiment (18/669) (3-й, 4-й батальоны в Европе)

·        2/121st Line Regiment (13/629) (3-й, 4-й батальоны в Европе)

Army of Aragon Cavarly Division: Général de brigade Baron Meyer 

·        1/24th Dragoon Regiment (12/151/178) (ушёл в Европу)

·        2/24th Dragoon Regiment (7/154/161)

·        3/24th Dragoon Regiment (7/100/131)

·        1/29th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (8/176/194) (ушёл в Европу)

·        2/29th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (5/585/196)

·        3/29th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (6/123/142)

·        4/29th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (6/141/161)

Cerdagne Brigade: Général de brigade Beurmann

·        3/81st Line Regiment (16/487)

·        1/102nd Line Regiment (27/599)

·        2/102nd Line Regiment (17/568)

·        Det/24th Dragoon Regiment (3/150/154) (ушёл в Европу)

Artillery: (All in Barcelona)

·        2/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (397)

·        2/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (2/88)

·        5/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (2/99)

·        12/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (2/94)

·        14/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (2/94)

·        11/7th Foot Artillery Regiment (2/91)


·        4/3rd Principal Train Battalion (1/116)

·        5/3rd Principal Train Battalion (1/102)

·        6/3rd Principal Train Battalion (1/108)

·        2/4th Principal Train Battalion (0/50)


·        4/1st Miner Battalion (3/104)

·        4/2nd Miner Battalion (1/82)

·        7/2nd Sapper Battalion (2/126)

·        4/4th Sapper Battalion (3/92)

·        4th Engineering Train Company (0/45)

Gendarmes & Miltiary Equipage:

·        Gendarmerie de Police (3/35/43)

·        Det/6th Gendarme Legion (6/200/112)

·        Det/5th Military Equipage Battalion (4/3160)

·        Det/11th Military Equipage Battalion (5/331)

·        9th Pack Mule Brigade (0/57/90) 4th Medical Company (2/85)

·        5th Medical Company (2/228)

Garrison of Figuières and surrounding Area

·        Det/32nd Légère Regiment (2/89) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Det/32nd Légère Regiment (3/17) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Det/32nd Légère Regiment (1/32) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Dets/11th Line Regiment (3/117) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Dets 3/60th Line Regiment (16/705)

·        Det/79th Line Regiment (1/39)

·        Dets/3rd Bayonne Provisional Regiment (16/487)

·        31st Légère Regiment

·        86th Line Regiment

·        Spanish Gendarmes (3/77)


·        20/1st Foot Artillery Regiment (3/110)

·        12/4th Foot Artillery Regiment (3/108)

·        13/4th Foot Artillery Regiment (3/100)

·        2nd Artillery Artisan Company (0/45)

·        3rd Artillery Artisan Company (2/57)

·        9th Artillery Artisan Company (0/14)

·        2/1st Pontooneer Battlaion (1/16)

·        3/3rd Principal Train Battalion (2/92)

Garrison of Gironne and Upper Catalonia: Colonel Broyer

·        Dets/22nd Légére Regiments (6/328) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Dets/32nd Légére Regiments (4/248) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Det/11th Line Regiment (0/23) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Det/60th Line Regiment (2/125)

·        Det/67th Line Regiment (3/93) (ушёл во Францию)

·        Det/79th Line Regiment (2/89)

·        Det/115th Line Regiment (3/208)

·        1/,2/143rd Line Regiment (30/1,120)

·        Det/Provisional Bayonne Battalion (2/98)

·        Lampourdan Chasseurs (11/229)

·        Catalan Guides (4/120)

·        Gironne Chasseurs (7/221)

Lerida Garrison: Général de division Lamarque

·        Det/10th Line Regiment (0/63)

·        1/,2/42nd Line Regiment (24/1,000) (3-й, 4-й батальоны в Европе)

·        Det/81st Line Regiment (0/63) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Imperial Gendarmes (0/29)

·        In Hospital (0/205)

·        1/6th foot Artillery (6/139)

·        Det Artillery Train (0/16)

·        Artillery Co, & Det/7th Italian Line Regiment (2/152)

·        2/1st Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (2/69/55) ???

·        7th Italian Sapper Company (1/10)

·        Spanish Gendamres (0/11)

Tortosa Garrison: Général de brigade Robert

·        1/11th Line Regiment (12/500) (ушёл в Европу)

·        2/20th Line Regiment (18/412)

·        Det/44th Line Regiment (0/196)

·        4/114th Line Regiment (11/691)

·        Det/116th Line Regiment (0/179)

·        4/117th Line Regiment (14/664)

·        1/3rd Légère Regiment (13/569) (ушёл в Европу)

·        3/5th Légère Regiment (18/612) (ушёл в Европу)

·        In Hospital (0/900)

·        Midi Cavalry Company (3/70/61)

·        Customs Guards (0/25/25)

·        4/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (2/40)

·        6/6th Foot Artillery Regiment (0/12)

·        14/6th Foot Artillery Regiment (2/59)

·        2nd Artillery Artisan Company (2/71)

·        2/1st Pontooneer Battalion (3/42)

·        4/4th Sapper Battalion (3/44)

·        4/2nd Miner Battalion (1/22)

·        Medical Detachment (0/15)

Garrison of Mequinenza: Général de brigade Bourgeoit

·        Det/10th Line Regiment (0/32) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Det/81st Line Regiment (0/32) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Veterans of 12th, 28th Légère & 45th, 55th, & 88th Line Regiments (0/23) In Hopsital (0/42)

·        7/5th Foot Artillery Regiment (0/26)

·        Det, 2nd Gendarme Legion (1/53)

Jacca Fort Garrison: Chef de bataillon Deshorties

·        Det/10th Line Regiment (2/152) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Det/81st Line Regiment (4/154) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Transients (0/101)

·        6/6th Foot Artillery (0/3)

·        10th Italian Foot Artillery (2/36)

·        3rd Co., 2nd Chasseurs des Montagnes Battalion (9/188)

·        14th Squadron, 2nd Gendarme Legion (3/137)

Venasques Garrison: Chef de bataillon Fouqiet

·        Det. 6/6th Foot Artillery Regiment (0/6)

·        2nd & 3rd Cos, 1st Chasseur des Montagnes Battalion (5/189)

·        Mouzon Garrison: Det. 6/6th Foot Artillery Regiment (0/6)

·        Det. 2nd Gendarme Legion (2/92)

Garrison of Pensicola: Chef de bataillon Bardout

·        Det/16th Line Regiment (2/52) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Det/16th Légère Regiment (1/24) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Det/8th Line Regiment (0/43) (ушёл в Европу)

·        Det/45th Line Regiment (0/52)

·        Det/51st Line Regiment (0/95)

·        Det/54th Line Regiment (1/88) (ушёл в Европу)

·        7/5th Foot Artillery Regiment (2/43)

·        4/4th Sapper Battalion (0/6)

·        4/2nd Miner Battalion (1/3)

·        Spanish Company (2/60)

·        Medical Detachment (0/14)

Garrison of Sagunto général de brigade Baron Rouelle

·        4/81st Line Regiment (19/369) (ушёл в Европу)

·        3/114th Line Regiment (18/657)

·        18/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (3/86)

·        4/4th Sapper Battlaion (1/16)

·        4/2nd Miner Battalion (1/9)

·        Medical Detachment (0/14)

Garrison of Denia: Chef de bataillon Bin

·        1 Co., 117th Line Regiment (3/94)

·        7/5th Foot Artillery Regiment (0/10)

·        4/2nd Miner Battalion (0/6)

Army of the Pyrenees 1 January 1814

* 40th Line Regiment (2)(964) (полк у Лейпцига) – часть полка под Тулузой 10.04.1814, другая – в Центральной Европе или во Франции.

** 12th Légère Regiment (2)(919) – полк под Тулузой, полк до «конца» в Испании.

*** 5th Dragoon Regiment (2)(265) – полк весь ушёл на «Север», в Испании отдельные части полка.

**** 114th Line Regiment – полк в Испании до конца войны (апрель 1814 г.).


Commanding General: Maréchal Soult

Chief of Staff: Lieutenant-général de Gazan de la Peyrière

Asst Chief of Staff: Adjudant-commandant Jeannet

Inspector of Reviews: Buchot

Artillery Commander: Général de division Tirlet

Artillery CoStaff: Général de brigade Berge

Engineering Commander: Général de division Lévy

Engineering CoStaff: Major Vainsot

Gendarmerie Cmdr: Général de brigade Barbé

Chief Surgeon: Rapatel

Topograhic Bureau: Chef de bataillon Calmet-Beauvoisin

Center: Lieutenant Général Clausel

4th Division: Général de division Taupin

Brigade: Général de brigade Rey

·        12th Légère Regiment (2)(919)

·        32nd Line Regiment (2)(1,117)

·        43rd Line Regiment (2)(928)

Brigade: Général de brigade Béchaud

·        45th Line Regiment (1)(756)

·        47th Line Regiment (1)(839)

·        55th Line Regiment (1)(561)

·        58th Line Regiment (1)(688)

5th Division: Général de division Maransin

Brigade: Général de brigade Barbot

·        4th Légère Regiment (1)(558)

·        34th Line Regiment (1)(622)

·        40th Line Regiment (2)(964) (полк у Лейпцига)

·        50th Line Regiment (1)(668) (полк у Лейпцига)

Brigade: Général de brigade Rouget

·        27th Line Regiment (1)(555)

·        59th Line Regiment (1)(614) (полк у Лейпцига)

·        130th Line Regiment (2)(1,027)

8th Division: Général de division Harispe

Brigade: Général de brigade Dauture

·        9th Légère Regiment (2)(876)

·        34th Line Regiment (2)(780)

Brigade: Général de brigade Paris

·        l0th Line Regiment (2)(854) (полк у Лейпцига)

·        8lst Line Regiment (2)(780)

·        114th Line Regiment (2 cos)(309)

·        8th Neapolitian Battalion (1)(341)

Brigade: Général de brigade Baurot

·        25th Légère Regiment (2)(1,566)

·        115th Line Regiment (2)(996)

·        117th Line Regiment (4 cos)(511)

Artillery: Commandant Lambert

·        Total 19 guns

Right Wing: Lieutenant Général Reillee 

lst Division: Général de division Foy

Brigade: Général de brigade Friron

·        6th Légère Regiment (1)(606)

·        69th Line Regiment (2)(1,112)

·        76th Line Regiment (1)(520)

Brigade: Général de brigade Berlier

·        36th Line Regiment (2)(949)

·        39th Line Regiment (1)(598)

·        65th Line Regiment (2)(999) (полк у Лейпцига)

7th Division: Général de division Leval

Brigade: Général de brigade Pinoteau

·        l0th Légère Regiment (1)(877) (полк у Лейпцига)

·        3rd Line Regiment (1)(636)

·        15th Line Regiment (1)(630) (полк у Лейпцига)

Brigade: Général de brigade Montfort

·        17th Légère Regiment (1)(575)

·        l0lst Line Regiment (1)(699) (полк у Лейпцига)

·        l05th Line Regiment (2)(1,011)

9th Division: Général de division Boyer

Brigade: Général de brigade Menne

·        2nd Légère Regiment (2)(799)

·        24th Line Regiment (1)(701)

·        118th Line Regiment (3)(1,355)

Brigade: Général de brigade Gauthier

·        120th Line Regiment (3)(1,466)

·        122nd Line Regiment (2)(1,149)

Artillery: Commandant Blanzat

·        4 Foot Battries (24 guns)

Left Wing: Lieutenant Général d'Elron

2nd Division: Général de division D'Armagnac

Brigade: Général de brigade Chassé

·        16th Légère Regiment (1)(553)

·        8th Line Regiment (1)(548)

·        28th Line Regiment (2)(1,213)

·        54th Line Regiment (1)(678)

Brigade: Général de brigade Gruardet

·        1st Légère Regiment (2)(1,093) (полк у Лейпцига)

·        51st Line Regiment (1)(652)

·        75th Line Regiment (2)(935)

3rd Division: Général de division Abbé

Brigade: Général de brigade Beuret

·        27th Légère Regiment (1)(665)

·        63rd Line Regiment (1)(719)

·        64th Line Regiment (2)(1,134)

Brigade: Général de brigade Maucomble

·        5th Légère Regiment (1)(665)

·        94th Line Regiment (2)(1,127)

·        95th Line Regiment (1)(847)

6th Division: Général de division Darricau

Brigade: Général de brigade St. Pol

·        21st Légère Regiment (1)(842)

·        l00th Line Regiment (1)(997)

·        119th Line Regiment (2)(927)

Brigade: Général de brigade Lamorandière

·        28th Légère Regiment (1)(554)

·        96th Line Regiment (1)(723)

·        l03rd Line Regiment (1)(835)

Artillery: Commandant Lunel

·        2 Foot Batteries (16 guns)


lst Division: Général de division P. Soult

Brigade Général de brigade Berton

·        2nd Hussar Regiment (2)(476)

·        13th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3)(620)

·        21st Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (2)(401)

Brigade Général de brigade Vial

·        5th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (2)(379) (полк у Лейпцига)

·        10th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (2 1/2)(416) (полк у Лейпцига)

·        15th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3)(389) (полк у Лейпцига)

·        22nd Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3)(285)

Brigade Général de Sparre

·        5th Dragoon Regiment (2)(265)

·        12th Dragoon Regiment (2)(289)

2nd Division: Général de division Treilhard

Brigade Général de brigade Ismert

·        4th Dragoon Regiment (4)(532)

·        21st Dragoon Regiment (4)(460)

·        26th Dragoon Regiment (4)(627)

Brigade Général de brigade Ormancy

·        14th Dragoon Regiment (2)(341)

·        16th Dragoon Regiment (3)(182) (ушёл в 1814 г.)

·        17th Dragoon Regiment (2)(325)

·        27th Dragoon Regiment (2)(399)

Artillery: Commandant Grossjean

·        1 Horse Battery (6 guns)

Artillery Reserve: Colonel Fontenay

·        2 Foot Batteries (12 guns) (22 guns on 1 December)

Artillery Park: Colonel Bruyer

·        1 Foot Battery (8 guns)

Soult's Army at Toulouse

1      April 1814


* 1/40th Line Regiment (17/513) – часть полка  сражалась  в Центральной Европе против 6-й антифранцузской коалиции, как правило, 3-4 батальоны или запасные батальоны полка.


Commanding General: Maréchal Soult

Chief of Staff: Général de division Gazan de la Peyrière

Artillery Commander: Général de division Tirlet

Artillery CoStaff: Colonel Fontenay

Inspector Gen'l of Train: Dauvergne

Right Wing: Lieutenant-général Reille

4th Division: Général de division Taupin

Brigade Général de brigade Rey

·        1/12th Légère Regiment (12/580)

·        2/12th Légère Regiment (8/516)

·        1/32nd Line Regiment (16/555)

·        2/32nd Line Regiment (10/586)

·        1/43rd Line Regiment (16/371)

·        2/43rd Line Regiment (8/361)

Brigade Général de brigade Gasquet

·        1/47th Line Regiment (17/641)

·        2/47th Line Regiment (11/598)

·        1/55th Line Regiment (21/5l1)

·        1/58th Line Regiment (13/604)


·        13/7th Foot Artillery (2/93)

5th Division: Generasl de brigade Maransin

Brigade Général de brigade Barbot

·        1/4th Légère Regiment (20/531)

·        1/40th Line Regiment (17/513)

·        2/40th Line Regiment (12/480)

Brigade: Général de brigade Rouget

·        1/27th Line Regiment (13/414)

·        1/34th Line Regiment (19/665)

·        1/50th Line Regiment (12/460)

·        1/59th Line Regiment (15/549)


·        9/1st Foot Artillery (2/95)

Center: Lieutenant-général d'Elron

1st Division: Général de division Daricau

Brigade Général de brigade Friron

·        1/6th Légère Regiment (19/466)

·        1/69th Line Regiment (21/449)

·        2/69th Line Regiment (12/402)

·        1/76th Line Regiment (18/472)

Brigade Général de brigade Berlier

·        1/36th Line Regiment (20/372)

·        2/36th Line Regiment (9/298)

·        1/39th Line Regiment (18/496)

·        1/65th Line Regiment (19/377)

·        2/65th Line Regiment (15/375)


·        20/3rd Foot Artillery (2/106) 

2nd Division: Général de division d'Armagnac

Brigade: Général de brigade Leseur

·        1/31st Légère Regiment (26/460)

·        2/31st Légère Regiment (13/469)

·        1/75th Line Regiment (24/402)

·        4/75th Line Regiment (13/356)

·        1/51st Line Regiment (18/606)

Brigade: Général de brigade Menne

·        1/118th Line Regiment (21/468)

·        2/118th Line Regiment (9/400)

·        3/118th Line Regiment (10/434)

·        1/120th Line Regiment (25/434)

·        2/120th Line Regiment (12/399)

·        4/120th Line Regiment (15/408)


·        19/3rd Foot Artillery (2/125)

Left Wing: Lieutenant-général Clausel

6th Division: Général de division Villatte

Brigade Général de brigade St. Pol

·        1/21st Légère Regiment (16/743)

·        1/86th Line Regiment (12/490)

·        1/96th Line Regiment (18/546)

·        1/100th Line Regiment (15/798)

Brigade Général de brigade Lamorandière

·        2/28th Légère Regiment (18/572)

·        1/103rd Line Regiment (14/662)

·        1/119th Line Regiment (19/341)

·        4/119th Line Regiment (13/312)


·        13/6th Foot Artillery (2/106)

8th Division: Général de division Harispe

Brigade: Général de brigade Dauture

·        1/9th Légère Regiment (21/428)

·        2/9th Légère Regiment (17/387)

·        2/25th Légère Regiment (22/460)

·        7/25th Légère Regiment (10/326)

·        1/34th Légère Regiment (20/296)

·        2/34th Légère Regiment (17/201)

Brigade: Général de brigade Baurot

·        1/10th Line Regiment (18/254)

·        2/10th Line Regiment (10/256)

·        1/45th Line Regiment (13/628)

·        1/81st Line Regiment (21/480)

·        3/115th Line Regiment (16/470)

·        4/116th Line Regiment (17/429)

·        7/117th Line Regiment (12/262)


·        9/3rd Foot Artillery (2/95)

·        Det/13/6th Foot Artillery (0/39)

Reserve Division: Général de division Travot

Brigade: Pourailly & Vouillemont

·        (1st & 2nd Divisions de reserve formed from 6th & 7th Battalions) New conscripts (7,267) 

Cavalry: Général de division P. Soult

Brigade: Général de brigade Berton

·        1/2nd Hussar Regiment (15/202)

·        2/2nd Hussar Regiment (5/205)

·        1/13th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (13/184)

·        2/13th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (8/149)

·        3/13th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (5/138)

·        1/21st Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (14/200)

·        2/21st Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (7/116)

·        3/21st Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (4/74)

Brigade: Général de brigade Vial

·        1/5th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (12/148)

·        2/5th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (7/135)

·        1/10th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (11/149)

·        2/10th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (6/132)

·        3/10th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (6/129)

·        1/15th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (11/112)

·        2/15th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (6/1l0)

·        3/15th Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (6/96)

·        1/22nd Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (14/123)

·        2/22nd Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (7/92)

·        3/22nd Chasseur a Cheval Regiment (3/46)


·        1/Artillery Artisians (0/12)

·        4/Artillery Artisians (4/65)

·        8/Artillery Artisians (2/79)

·        9/Artillery Artisians (2/62)

·        4/1st Pontoonier Battalion (1/67)

·        l0/1st Pontoonier Battalion (3/66)

·        2nd Armorer Company (0/32)

·        4th Armorer Company (1/81)

·        1/,2/,3/,5/2nd Principal Train Battalion (383)

·        1/,2/,3/,4/,5/,6/2nd (bis) Train Battalion (658)

·        4th (bis) Train Battalion (417)

·        5th Principal Train Battalion (537)

·        6th (bis) Train Battalion (1l1)

·        l0th & 12th Principal Train Battalions (240)

·        3/2nd Miner Battalion (3/116)

·        5/2nd Sapper Battalion (3/145)

·        3/4th Sapper Battalion (3/117)

·        3rd Engineering Train Company (3/142)

·        1st Military Equippage Battalion (8/552)

·        3rd Military Equippage Battalion (11/787)

·        1st Military Equippage Artisian Company (192)

·        Gendarmes (16/190)





2 комментария:

  1. Наглы в любом конфликте норовят выставить себя гениальными победителями и всю мировую историю переписать под себя. Если бы Боня послушал своих маршалов и не пошёл бы в Россию, а отправился бы в Испанию вместе с собранными войсками (думаю там бы быстро закончилось всё),а после бы высадился в Наглии , то мировая история пошла бы по другому пути.
